The Congresses will showcase processes, methodologies, programs, applications, and projects to bridge the gap between fundamental research efforts and industrial applications, and stimulate advances in these fields. As the motto says, the keynote lectures, round tables, and plenary sessions will focus on finding strategies and vision viewpoints for the role of chemical engineering on sustainable development and new technologies associated with it. Safe processes and energy resources will be considered. Also, the managerial instruments to reach this goal will be included.

Invited to participate in this event are all those who are developing new approaches in the different fields of Chemical Engineering, both in the technological and scientific field and in the productive activity, teaching, management and business, aimed at optimizing the performance in public or private companies, providing better products and services and improving the life quality of more and more people, in a framework of social responsibility and respect for the environment.

Congress Development

  • Plenary Lectures
  • Keynote Lectures
  • Round tables
  • Forums
  • Technical Oral and Poster Sessions
  • Business and Technical Exhibition
  • Social Activities:
  • Welcome Reception
  • Lectures Lunches
  • Closing Supper
  • Program of Companions
  • Tourist's packages
  • Submission of Abstracts
    Abstracts are due by May 30, 2006.
    Please submit online the abstracts at: 

    All the accepted Abstract will be published at the web page of CIIQ (IACChE) and AAIQ. The publications will be covering with the ISSN or ISBN number.
    More detailed information about the program can be found on the web site at:

    Others Deadlines
  • Jul  30, 2006 Notification of acceptance
  • Ago 25, 2006 Submission of full paper
  • Congress Inscription Prices


    American dolar at the type of change of that day.

    Prices' Date Limits


    Until 30/08/2006


    After that date

    The inscription price covers the Aperture Cocktail, Coffee Breaks, Material, Abstract Book and CD containing the Full Paper and Abstracts.
    Some of the social events and the Close Dinner will be priced separately. The assistants will have different tourist packages' possibilities with special prices to see Buenos Aires and to appreciate the Argentina special places.

    General Inscription






    Registers who presents papers.






    AAIQ Members






    Students of last year (with notebook)









    Executive Committee IACChE - (CIIQ)


    President: Eng. Oscar Pagola (AAIQ Arg)
    Vicepresident: Dr. Tomas Marrero (University of Missouri-Columbia /AICHE-USA)
    General Secretariat: Dr. Antonio Estevez (Puerto Rico Univ. Puerto Rico)
    Treasurer:Dr. Peter Pujado (AICHE- USA)
    Past-President: Eng. Carlos Chirinos Villanueva (FIQ Perú)


    Congress Organizing Committee






    President / Chairman: Eng. Oscar Vignart (Dow Chemical, Arg.)


    Members: Engs: José M. Fumagalli (CIQyP), Pedro Chidichimo (Johnsondiversy) , Nestor Farias Bouvier (Sapin), Camilo Alvarez (Dapsa), Ramiro Fernandez (INTI), María Isabel Sanseau (AAIQ), Carlos Octtinger (Petroken SA), , Carlos Scarabino (Papel Prensa SA), Hugo Dávila (Executive Congress Manager - AAIQ)


    Professional and Scientific Program Committee


    President / Chairman : Dr. Esteban Brignole PLAPIQUI (UNS-CONICET, Arg.).
    Vice-Presidente / Co-chairman :
    Dr. Alberto Bandoni PLAPIQUI (UNS-CONICET, Arg.)


    Chemical Engineering Science
    Esteban Brignole (PLAPIQUI-INS. Arg.), Eduardo Glandt (SEAS Penn Univ. USA,), Alberto Cassano (INTEC, Arg.), Susana Bottini (PLAPIQUI-UNS, Arg.), Antonio Estévez (Univ. Puerto Rico), Julio Deiber (INTEC, Arg.), Eduardo Cao (DIQ, UBA, Arg.), Eduardo Lombardo (UNL, CENACA, Arg.), Guillermo Barreto (UNLP, Arg.), Miguel Laborde (Dto. IQ, UBA, Arg.), Carlos Gigola (PLAPIQUI, Arg.),


    Chemical Engineering Education
    Alberto Castro (FIQ, UNL, Arg.).Alberto Bandoni (PLAPIQUI-UNS, Arg.), Dardo Marqués (ITBA, Arg), Eduardo Cao (Dto. IQ, UBA, Arg.), Agustín Carpio (Arcride, Unlitoral)


    Chemical Processes Safety
     Italo Farina (UNL Plata), Nicolas Scenna (INGAR, Arg.), Stella Tonelli (PLAPIQUI-UNS, Arg.), Nestor Spósito (Dow Chemical, Arg.), Jorge Mangosio (Dto. IQ, UBA, Arg.)


    Transfer and Management of Technological Change
     Miguel De Santiago (UN de Quilmes), Alberto Arcodacci (FUNDASUR, Arg.), Jorge Alvarez (Solvay-Indupa SA Arg.)


    Process Engineering and Control
     José Romagnoli (Lousiana State Univ., USA), Vicente Koppel (Dto. IQ, UBA, Arg.), José Figueroa (Dpto. Ing. Eléctr. y Comp., UNS, Arg.)


    Engineering Modeling
     Jaime Cerdá  (INTEC-UNL, Arg.), Argimiro Secchi (Brazil), Gabriela Henning (INTEC-UNL, Arg.), Pio Aguirre (INGAR-UNL, Arg.), Soledad Diaz (PLAPIQUI-UNS, Arg.)


     Peter Pujado (AIChE, USA), Roberto Cunningham (IAPG, Arg.), Nicolás Verini (Inst. Gas & Oil, UBA, Arg.), Juan Gericó (Inst. Balseiro-CONICET, Arg), Carlos Querini (INCAPE, Arg.), Román Buitrago (GENOC/UNL/ CONICET), Hugo Caram (Ch.E. Dept., Lehigh Univ., USA), Noemí Walsoe de Reca (CITEFA Arg.)


    Project Feasibility and Project Direction
     Nestor Farias Bouvier (SAPIN Consultora, Arg.), Antonio Sangiovani


    Management of Process Companies
     Pedro Chidichimo (AAIQ ( Johnsondiversey SA Arg,)


     Carlos Scaravino, Mariano Savelski (Rowan University USA), Ariel Carbajal ( SAyDS Arg) , Hugo Dávila (AAIQ), Rodolfo Labbé (AAIQ CEDES)


    Environmental Considerations
     Carlos Scaravino, Mariano Savelski (Rowan University USA), Rubén Cachero (AAIQ, Iprana SRL), Maria Dolores Mazzola (MOSP Arg), Marcelo Carranza (Arcor SA Arg.)


    Product Design
     Miguel Bagajewicz (Oklhoma Univ., USA)


    Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering
     Fernando Muzzio (Rutgers Univ. - USA), Roberto Guzman (Mexico/Univ. Arizona Tucson- USA), Carlos Apesteguía (INCAPE-UNL, Arg.), María Isabel Sanseau (AAIQ),Nora Perotti (PROIMI-INT, Arg.)


    Renewable Resources, Food Engineering
     Martín Urbicain (PLAPIQUI-UNS, CRIBABB, Arg.). Osvaldo Campanela (Purdue Univ., USA), Luis Del Federicio (UN Misiones Arg.)


    New technologies, Materials and Nanotechnology
     Ramón Cerro (University of Alabama, USA), Enrique Vallés (PLAPIQUI-UNS, Arg.), Roberto Williams (INTEMA, UNMdP, Arg.), Numa Capiatti (PLAPIQUI-UNS, Arg.), Daniel Damiani (PLAPIQUI-UNS, Arg.), Noemí Walsoe de Reca (CITEFA, Arg.)







    Diamond: Vacant



























  • Secretariat of Industry, Commerce and "PyME", Ministry of Economy and Production, Argentina
  • General Confederation of Professionals of the Argentina Republic - CGPRA












    AAIQ - Asociación Argentina de Ingenieros Químicos
    Bartolome Mitre 1711 3P of:5 (1037)
    Ciudad de Buenos Aires - Argentina. Ph./Fax: +54 11 4372-3478